EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 Romania: funding available for travel support

Funding is now available for facilitating partnerships with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in three programmes in Romania – Energy, Education and Innovation. A total of €502.5 million has been allocated to Romania under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.

Organisations and businesses in Romania and the three donor countries – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – are now able to apply for funding for preparatory visits for establishing partnerships in three programmes:

Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security Programme

About the programme:

The programme aims to contribute to less carbon intensive energy and increased security of supply in Romania. The focus areas of the programme are increased renewable energy production capacity, increased energy efficiency and reduced emissions in all sectors, research and development within the energy sector, and electrification of households.

Who can apply for travel support?

Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as non-governmental organisations established as a legal person either in Romania or in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.

More information, including further criteria and how to apply.

Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeships, Youth Entrepreneurship Programme

About the programme

The programme aims to strengthen the education sector in Romania and strengthen cooperation with the three donor countries. The focus areas of the programme are improved skills and competences of students, staff and researchers in higher education, strengthened institutional cooperation between higher education institutions in Romania and the donor states, improved skills and competences of education experts, improved quality of work based learning, and increased institutional capacity of schools to increase inclusion of Roma children.

Who can apply for travel support?

  • Personnel employed in public or private accredited entities (universities, research centres, companies, etc.) in Romania or in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.
  • Experts in education (teacher trainers, school inspectors, counsellors) from ISJ, CJRAE, CCD or their counterparts in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.
  • Teaching staff teaching VET subjects and managers of VET school, and representatives of economic operators, partners of the VET schools (managers, stage tutors etc.) in Romania, and representatives of VET schools in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.

More information, including further criteria and how to apply.

Business Development, Innovation and SME programme

Funding for preparatory visits between businesses in Romania and Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway have already been announced under the Business Development, Innovation and SME programme in Romania. For more information see here.