Zamfir, Cătălin, Mărginean, Ioan, Dan, Adrian-Nicolae, Ilie, Simona, Pop, Luana, Pop, Lucian, Pop, Preda, Marian, Socol, Gheorghe, Stanciu, Mariana, Teodorescu, Mihaela, Voicu, Bogdan. (2001). Poverty in Romania: causes, anti-poverty policies, recommendations for action. Bucharest: RIQL, UNDP.

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Dată adăugare BVS28 February 2019
Ultima actualizare28 February 2019
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Bibtex citation: [WpBibTeX type="book" author = "Zamfir, Cătălin and Mărginean, Ioan and Dan, Adrian-Nicolae and Ilie, Simona and Pop, Luana and Pop, Lucian and Preda, Marian and Socol, Gheorghe and Stanciu, Mariana and Teodorescu, Mihaela and Voicu, Bogdan" title = "Poverty in Romania: causes, anti-poverty policies, recommendations for action" publisher = "RIQL, UNDP" address = "Bucharest" year = "2001"]

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