CfP Southeast Europe Studies, 2018
The “Southeast Europe Studies” is an academic journal established by the Capital Normal University’s Center for Study of Civilizations. The purpose of the publication of this journal is to create an academic platform of communication, which will promote the development of the research of Southeast Europe in China, present the latest scientific results concerning Southeast European studies made in Southeast Europe, China and the rest of the world, and which will improve academic dialogue between the Chinese and the world’s research institutions and researchers.
By using, presenting and confronting the diverse perspectives which belong to the present, as well as those which belong to the past, the journal itself focuses on interpreting the various aspects of the Southeast Europe region. The content of the journal is divided into three main sections: history research, analysis of the current events and issues, and the information transfer. Once per year, with the approximate size of 150,000 words per issue, the journal will simultaneously publish papers in English and Chinese. Each issue will be arranged around one major theme, which will always be connected either directly with the area of Southeast Europe, or with the issues which deal with the Southeast Europe and the rest of the world.
The theme of the first issue, which is planned to be published at the end of the year 2018, is „The history and current state of research of the Southeast Europe in China and the world”. We are now calling out to researchers and Southeast Europe experts to join us and present their research results in China. The basic requirements are as follows:
1. Please make sure that your paper satisfies the theme requirement. The submitted papers should be between 8,000 and 15,000 words long.
2. The papers in English language should be submitted in the international APA format, while the papers Chinese language should be submitted in the format recognized by the “World History Journal” (世界历史).
3. Each paper should have an appropriate abstract and keywords. The length of the abstract of the papers submitted in English should not exceed 1,000 words, while the abstract of the papers in submitted in Chinese should not exceed 500 characters. Each paper should have 3-5 keywords.
4. With the submission, please do not forget to write the author’s name, year of birth, place of birth, employment institution, title, correspondence address, postal code, contact phone and the contact e-mail.
The deadline for submission for the first issue is August 31st, 2018.
Contact person: Li Jianjun (李建军)
Address: Address: Center for Study of Civilizations at Capital Normal University, West 3rd Ring Road, North Street 105, Haidian district, Beijing, PR China (北京 市海淀区西三环北路 105 号首都师范大学文明区划研究中心)
Postal code: 100048
Office phone: (+86) 10-68901620
Center for Study of Civilizations Capital Normal University