CfP Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, nr. 1/2018

Call for Papers

Volume 13, Number 1, due to appear in June 2018

The editors of the Romanian Journal of Society and Politics invite you to submit articles and book reviews for the first issue of the Romanian Journal of Society and Politics in 2018.

We welcome contributions from a wide array of research perspectives, including, but not limited to: political science, political theory, international relations, European studies, history, sociology and anthropology. Interdisciplinary approaches are also welcome. The submission guidelines can be found on our website in the Instructions for Authors section ( All contributions should be sent by email to:

The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics (ISSN print: 1582-5795, ISSN online: 2393 – 3224) adheres to both an open access policy and a double-blind peer review policy and is indexed in several international databases, such as EBSCO, DOAJ, CEEOL or ERIH PLUS. The time between the submission of a manuscript and the first response of the editors (on whether to introduce it in the peer-review process) does not usually exceed two weeks. The final editorial decision to accept (with or without revisions) or reject the article usually takes between 3-4 months and the publication of a manuscript, both online and in printed form, does not usually exceed 2 months from the moment of its acceptance.