CfP: 7th International Seminar on Migrations, Agriculture and Food Sustainability, Sibiu, 2020

7th International Seminar on Migrations, Agriculture and Food Sustainability: The challenges to manage migration for agricultural work, 23-24 April 2020, Sibiu (Romania) continues the tradition of reflexive thinking of the previous meetings, proposing this time as main topic the complex relationships between agricultural production and migration and the efforts to manage migration and its consequences. We specifically invite papers discussing attempts to manage migration to agricultural enclaves through different schemes of recruiting in origin countries (e.g. Spanish micro-guest worker programmes; German system of recruitment) and their consequences at different levels (individual migrants, employers, origin communities etc.).
Organizers: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS) and Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy (ICCV).
Conference venue: Center for Social Research, Street: Lucian Blaga, No. 2-4, Building: A, 3rd Floor, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
After the events in Bergamo (2013), Murcia (2014), Athens (2015), Madrid (2017), Marseille (2018) and Agadir (2019), the 7th international seminar of AGROMIG Network will be organized in Sibiu (Romania), on the 23th and 24th of April 2020, under the coordination of Alin Croitoru (ULBS), Monica Șerban (ICCV) and Yoan Molinero (IEGD – CSIC).
Other approaches related with the interactions between the different links of the global agricultural chains and their impacts on food systems and rural areas (or connected topics – e.g. climate change) are also welcome. We encourage approaches from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives to be presented by scholars and stakeholders interested in migration, agriculture, food sustainability or connected fields.
The 7th Seminar will particularly cover the following issues, without limiting to them:
- Current systems to recruit workers for agricultural activities;
- Comparing the current systems among them, with past schemes, or with unregulated migration;
- Workers in destination (working conditions; gender dynamics; housing and health) and after return;
- Drivers and effects of migration (particularly multilevel approaches are encouraged, taking as reference origin, destination or both)
- International organisations’ approaches to seasonal or temporary migration;
- EU level approaches (CAP policy and its impact; approaches to seasonal/temporary migration)
The language of the Seminar is English, but papers/communications in French may be accepted.
Scientific Committee:
- Alessandra Corrado, University of Calabria (Italy)
- Apostolos G. Papadopoulos, Harokopio University of Athens (Greece)
- Carlos de Castro, UAM, Madrid (Spain)
- Cătălin Zamfir, ICCV (Romania)
- Gennaro Avallone, University of Salerno (Italy)
- Horațiu Rusu, ULBS (Romania)
- Johan Fredrick Rye, NTNU (Norway)
- Lydia Medland, University of Bristol (UK)
- Mohamed Bouchelkha, Ibn Zohr University/Agadir (Morocco)
- Ruth McAreavey, NCL (UK)
Important dates and deadlines:
- 15th of January 2020 – abstracts of no more than 500 words submitted via Google form available here.
- 31th of January 2020 – notification of acceptance
Once proposals accepted, an email with accommodation recommendations and practical information on how to get to the meeting venue will be sent.
For any further questions please send your email at: Alin Croitoru ( and Monica Șerban (
Apart from providing a space for discussion, the 7th Seminar aims also to promote the diffusion of AGROMIG members work. Therefore, presenting authors are kindly invited to consider submitting contributions for a Special Issue of the Social Change Review. The articles will be peer-reviewed and published in a journal’s issue coordinated by Alin Croitoru, Monica Șerban and Yoan Molinero. Manuscripts in English should be approximately 6-8,000 words in length (including References) and have to be sent before 1st July 2020 for assuring the publication by the end of the year.