CfP Special Issue ”Comparative Perspectives on Social Indicators”

Guest Editors: Sandra Fachelli (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) and Pedro López Roldán (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
Call will be closed on: February 15th, 2020
One of the challenges of social research when we construct objects of knowledge is the comparative analysis among countries. International comparative research among diverse territorial realities, whether at the macrosocial or micro-social level, is fundamental to assess, deepen and improve our knowledge of social phenomena and draw conclusions with theoretical, methodological and empirical implications. The spatial specificity of social dynamics, immersed in a temporal, socio-historical and cultural context, forces us to reflect on this comparability. The need to establish generalizations to construct theoretical models of social behavior that transcend the singularity of a particular territorial reality forces us to offer well-founded theoretical-methodological research proposals.
We propose in this Special Issue to receive contributions that address comparative research in the study of social reality, focusing on the construction and use of social indicators in comparative research among countries (including comparisons among regions or cities). Contributions must be applied studies or methodological reflections (either in a quantitative, qualitative or mixed perspective), but with a clear comparative focus (i.e. measurement and study of same phenomena in different countries) and with empirical bases. The contributions should follow the editorial line of the journal, well written in English and follow the quality standard of the journal.
This is an open call and also, a publishing opportunity for participants in the:
RC55 Social Indicators of ISA Congress in July of 2018, and Mid-term Conference of the ISA-RC55 Research Committee on Social Indicators in the Work Group 43 in the context of the 13th Spanish Congress of Sociology.
The word length for manuscripts should be around 7,500 words (a minimum of 5,000 words and a maximum of 10,000 words) including references.
More information here.