Revista Calitatea Vieții nr. 3/2020

Vă semnalăm apariția nr. 3/2020 al Revistei Calitatea Vieții. Din cuprinsul acesteia:

Marian Vasile. 2020. Mental well-being between material resources and respect (This is an Accepted Manuscript for Calitatea Vieții. Subject to change during the editing and production process.)

Iuliana Precupețu, Cosmina-Elena Pop. 2020. Utilization of healthcare services and perceptions of corruption in Romania (This is an Accepted Manuscript for Calitatea Vieții. Subject to change during the editing and production process.)

Laura Tufă. 2020. Ambiguities of energy poverty and the search for „hidden energy transfers”. A review of energy vulnerability narratives (This is an Accepted Manuscript for Calitatea Vieții. Subject to change during the editing and production process.)

Claudia Petrescu, Flavius Mihalache. 2020. Perceptions towards the quality of public services in Romania. Poor outcomes of public administration reforms (This is an Accepted Manuscript for Calitatea Vieții. Subject to change during the editing and production process.)

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