Global and Transnational Sociology Summer School 2018

The Summer School is part of a new BA (BA+ Globale und Transnationale Soziologie) initiative in Comparative and Transnational Studies of the Institute of Sociology at the University Duisburg-Essen, and supported by strong research activities of the faculty in comparative, global and transnational sociology. Professors teaching at the summer school are also members of the Institute of Work, Skills and Training, and the Institute of East Asian Studies. Read more.
- The summer school will take place from June, 11 until July, 6 2018
- Two blocks with two classes each to choose from
- Taught in English
- Earn up to 12 ECTS (Credits may differ, depending on your home university)
- Free weekends to explore Germany and Europe
- No tuition fee
- Take a look at the classes we offer this year!
- Learn more about our university and student life in Duisburg.
Classes offered in 2018
Block I: (June 11-22)
Transnational Social Movements, Protest Dynamics and Social Change
Dr. des. Ana Carolina Alfinito Vieira
China’s Globalization: Discussing the Border and the Community
Prof. Dr. Flemming Christiansen
Block II: (June 25 – July 6)
The global corporate elite and its opposition: networks of power and resistance
Digitization of work and industry: Comparing national industrial policies and corporate initiatives
You can apply for the Global and Transnational Sociology Summer School now!
Application deadline is April, 4 2018!
Please fill out the application form and email it to Lucia Bonikowski. Please add your current transcript of records and one copy sized photo for your student ID.
- Do I need to speak German? → No, not at all! The classes are held in English.
Do I need a visa for my stay at University of Duisburg-Essen? → Depending on your citizenship you might need a visa. Generally speaking all international students outside of the EU require a visa for stays in Germany. For more information click here.