Apel lucrări Revista Sociologie Românească nr. 2/2017



Call for Papers: Romanian Sociology issue 2/2017

“Youth in post-communist societies”

Guest editor: Sorin Mitulescu, Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest

The social situation of youth in post-communist societies still represents an important research interest for sociologists. Nearly 30 years of transformations passed since the fall of the Communism. However, these youngsters still don’t show all the time similar situation to their peer generation in the Western European countries. They are different both from their peers from the West, and from the prior cohorts.  Hence, a specific relationship between generations but also unexpected challenges coming from the direction of globalization and post-modernization.

Even though they experience the popular opposition and the fall of the Communist regime during their most impressionable years, the political socialization of the youngsters took place under difficult economic conditions, during times characterized by dramatic social and political change. There are similarities between post-communist countries and Western democracies as well, at least concerning the socialization of a new generation which shows law interest in organized politics, in school or in conventional family life.

Comparative research on the youth in different societies with either common past or with either the same market orientation to labour or education can bring interesting results. Researchers interested in youth in post-communist countries have to identify new strategies for living youthfulness (juvenescence), new spaces for socialization and promote new patterns of life. We should also asses to what extent young people can bring their contribution that development of their own societies is waiting.

The special issue of the Romanian Sociology (2/2017) is open for the papers that answer to questions such as:

  • How can we assess the condition of youngsters in societies in transition? Do they continue to be different or they are identifying with youngsters from other types of societies and first with the ones in the West?
  • Considering how they see themselves compared to older generations, are post-communist societies marked by intergenerational cleavages? What effects can these cleavages have on the perspectives of social development?
  • What specific contributions can youngsters bring to overcome faster and without social convulsions the transition period? Which would be their strong points and what about their weaknesses, to what risks are they subjected?
  • How are mixed in post-communist societies the transition constraints with the ones coming from globalization, radicalization, social fluidization, inter-cultural and geopolitical conflicts?

Field researches, case studies, examples of good practice and book reviews are welcomed.

Deadline for submitting of the articles: 1st of May 2017

Manuscript will be uploaded as files with the extension *.doc or *.docx using the on-line form available at: http://www.arsociologie.ro/en/romanian-sociology-journal/online-submission-form. Please follow the instructions for authors found at: www.arsociologie.ro/en/romanian-sociology-journal/instructions-for-authors. For any other questions please contact the coordinator of this issue, Sorin Mitulescu, email: sorin_mit@yahoo.com  

About the journal

Romanian Sociology is the journal of the Romanian Sociological Association, edited with the collaboration of the Quality Life Research Institute from the Romanian Academy, University of Oradea, “A.I. Cuza” University from Iasi, “Lucian Blaga” University from Sibiu, “Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, and West University from Timisoara. The reviewing process is double blind peer-review. The journal is indexed in international databases (CEEOL, ProQuest – Sociological Abstracts, EBSCO – SocINDEX with Full Text, ULRICHSWEB, and Index Copernicus). More information can be found at: http://www.arsociologie.ro/en/romanian-sociology-journal