CfP Social Development and Territorial Intelligence 6th Edition, Alba Iulia, 2019

Conference with international participation of the Department of Social Sciences of „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND TERITTORIAL INTELLIGENCE, 6th edition, 2019: „Tendencies of knowledge and social development in the 21st century”, Alba-Iulia, 25 – 26 October 2019.
The theme of the 6th edition of the conference with international participation organized by the Department of Social Sciences of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia (in collaboration with The Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy) is “Tendencies of knowledge and social development in the 21st century”.
At the conference are also invited researches and practitioners concerned with communicating recent results of their research or applicative activity in the field of social knowledge and development.
The conference aims to create a vivid framework for debate on the current tendencies in social knowledge development as well as the contribution that sociology can have in supporting the process of social development.
The conference will include the following topics, grouped on sections and round tables:
- Current territory knowledge and development
- Methodological perspectives in social knowledge
- 21st century education
- Social policies and services for local communities
- Social impact measurement
- Representation and promotion of social causes in the age of globalization and internet
- The role of the sociologist in social development
The participants may propose other themes of debate in order to open new horizons of approaching social development and of the actual and perspective phenomena that can shape it.
At the conference it will also be held the ceremony of awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the “1 Decembrie 1918” University to the professor emeritus Petru Iluț, a reputed specialist in the field of social sciences.
Term to sign up for the conference
The registration for the conference will be available until 1st October 2019 here.
It will be specified the option for the preferred type of debate (section or round table) and the chosen theme. Also, in the registration form must be uploaded: The title of the communication and a summary of maximum 500 words with an indication of 3 key terms, in English.
Conference fee for participation
- 90 lei –for participants from Romania
- 40 Euro – for abroad participants
- 50 lei – for master and doctoral students
The fee includes: conference map, lunch and diner for day 1: 24 October 2019.
For October 25, a package of extra options will be available (visit the Route of the three fortifications, Boeru Aiud Wine Cellar etc.) that will be paid by the participants at the conference.
After the acceptance from the organizers, the participation fee will be paid to:
Account: Pro Association „1 Decembrie 1918″ University of Alba Iulia
str. Unirii, nr. 15-17, Corp C, Alba County,
Tax code: 33887538
Bank account: BCR Alba Branch,
IBAN RO45RNCB0003145211750001
(It must be specified participation fee for the DSIT Conference 2019)
The participation fee may also be paid at the conference.
Accommodation and transport options
Based on an email request, after signing up, participants can receive information and support for the accommodation options, including booking in the Guest House of the University (40lei/a night).
Publishing options
Publishing options will be communicated after signing up and at the time of the conference. A conference volume will be published in a recognized publishing house.
In collaboration with The Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy, part of the articles, which subsumes to the thematic area ”Participation in Social Research”, will be submitted for review in a special issue of the Romanian Sociology Review and The Quality of Life review.
Contact persons:
Mihai Pascaru ( și Lucian Marina (